Preparing for the celebration...
{decorating the Christmas Tree with Traditional Lithuanian Straw Ornaments}
{involves singing}
{making cranberry garlands}
{making cookies}
{drooling over the Christmas dinner preparations}
{special cranberry drink "Kisielius"}
{lots of tasty fish dishes}
{Kūčiukai - special cookies for poppy soup}
{of course, we have to have the traditional pickled Herring}
{if you don't have a fireplace in your problem....make a faux one;-}
{the Candles are lit and fire extinguishers are standing by}
{Christmas Eve celebration with friends}
{A Christmas Cracker ready for 'Popping'}
{crackers 'popped' and crowns on}
{some heads are in need of more adjustment than others}
{anticipation grows}
{Santa's helper getting help reading Santa's handwriting}
{let the treasure haul begin!}