Friday, April 12, 2013

Our second trip to Disneyworld - Mūsų antra kelionė į Disney Pasaulį

A few days spent @ Magic Kingdom - Keletą dienų praleistų Stebuklingoje Karalystėje...

{helloooo Disneyworld...i'm back- labas Disney Pasauli...aš vėl čia}

{i can see better on my daddy's shoulders - geriau galiu viską matyti ant tėtės pečių}

{i wish... if i had all those balloons...ak mano svajonė...jei turėčiau visus tuos balionus}

{watching parade - žiūrim paradą}

{yammy mickey mouse ice cream - smaguriaujame peliuko mikio ledais}

{i'm dancing in the street-šokis gatvėje}

{So I have no idea how many rides we went on but I'm sure it was a lot! - ėjome į daugybę atrakcionų}

{carousel is my favorite - mano mėgstamiausia karuselė}

{@ mermaid's grotto while we wait - linksminu laukiančius eilėje}

{even birds are friendly @ Disneyworld - net paukščiai Disney Pasaulyje draugiški}

{su princese Pelene}

{my Mickey - mano Mikis}

{i wish i could fly}

{breathtaking fireworks at the end of the day - dienos pabaigoje - nuostabūs fejerverkai}

{exausted, but happy - pavargusi, bet labaaaaai laiminga}

{goodby magic place...untill next year - viso gero nuostabi pasakų vietele...iki kitų metų}


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hello short sleeves

Aaaaaaahhhhhh sunshine....hello short sleeves...gorgeous day today here in Columbus...83F degrees....Isabella and I went for a walk @ Schiller Park...playground was buzzing with kids...trees were buzzing with bees.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Death of the snowman - Besmegenio mirtis

Spring is finally here and The Phillips Family Court has ruled against the snowman...officially winter has been kicked out of the yard and the snowman decapitated by Ninja John.


Pagaliau pavasaris. Phillips šeimos teismas vienbalsiai nuteisė besmegenį mirčiai...žiema buvo oficialiai išvaryta iš kiemo ir besmegeniui nukirsta galva.
Nuosprendis buvo įvykdytas Nindzės John'o.

The End.

© GourmetArtStudio


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Our visit to Mount Dora, Florida in February

In February we had chance to visit very charming little town in central Florida. Mount Dora sits on a little mound (I guess) surrounded by many lakes. There are plenty of antique shops, gourmet restaurants, but we decided to drive around to check out local landscape. 

                           {spanish moss everywhere and reminds me little bit of Halloween}

                                                                     {spooky trees}

                                                        {of course always climbing}

                                                              {always video recording:-)}

                                    doesn't matter where you go in life
                                                 what you do or how much you have
                                                     it's who you have beside you.

                        {we had the pleasure of enjoying the most beautiful sunset in the world!}
