Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4th of July celebration

For our family, the Fourth of July is a time for celebrating with friends and family and sharing our gratitude for the freedoms we have in this country. This year our celebration was and fun filled. We sat outside at the campground chatting and watching Isabella blow bubbles and run around the yard.

 {bubbles...lots of bubbles- daugybė burbulų }

 {our cowgirl - mūsų ūkininkė}

 {with papaw - su seneliu}

 {Isabella and i made special cake - mes padarėm specialų tortą}

 {napping Becky - mieganti Becky}

{flying Isabella - skraidanti Izabelė}

 {father and son pool fight - tėvo ir sūnaus rungtynės}

{love - meilė}
