I am dedicating all my "Tulip series" paintings to my Mom and Dad, may he rest in peace...To their forever lasting love and their love of tulips. I found this poem that describes best my parents love for each other:
Amžina Meilė
parašė Jo Angelas
Kada ji žvelgia į jo akis
ji mato savo ateitį.
Atrodo kaip vientisas debesis plauktų, kada jie kartu
viskas atrodo nuostabu ir siurrealistiška.
Gyvenimas su juo yra magiškas
ji niekada nesijaučia viena
Su juo ji laisva kaip paukštis,
skrendantis vėjyje padebesiais.
Jos siela laisvai sklendžia aukštybėse
nes jos širdis turi stiprius sparnus.
Jis- jos viena ir vienintelė meilė
kuri truks amžinybę.
Net ir tada kai vienas iš jų paliks šį pasaulį.
Tada jie vėl suras viens kitą,
Tarp angelų ten aukštai
Nes jų meilė-amžina.
Forever Lasting Love
By His Angel
When she looks in his eyes
she sees her future.
The clouds seem to part
when ever there together.
everything is once again
beautiful and surreal.
Life is magical with him in it.
She's no longer lonely all the time.
With him there she is free as a bird,
flying on the wind in the blue skies.
Her soul now freely souring high
and her heart has strong wings to flow.
He is her one true love.
Their love will last forever,
even when one is long gone
no longer among the living.
They now they will find each other,
among the angles in the clouds above.
Their love is forever lasting.
she sees her future.
The clouds seem to part
when ever there together.
everything is once again
beautiful and surreal.
Life is magical with him in it.
She's no longer lonely all the time.
With him there she is free as a bird,
flying on the wind in the blue skies.
Her soul now freely souring high
and her heart has strong wings to flow.
He is her one true love.
Their love will last forever,
even when one is long gone
no longer among the living.
They now they will find each other,
among the angles in the clouds above.
Their love is forever lasting.
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1970 |
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1986 Tulpės pražydintos vasario mėnesy. |
20 metų praėjo po tėčio mirties, bet aš jo dvasią jaučiu labai arti savęs, ir ypač kai tapau jo numylėtines tulpes.
20 years past since my dad past away, but I often can feel his spirit near me,
especially when I'm painting his beloved tulips.
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"Tulpės verčia mane tapyti" Daugiau mano paveikslų su tulpėmis galite rasti čia: More paintings of the tulips you can find here: www.GourmetArtStudio.blogspot.com Ar žinot, kad raudonos tulpės simbolizuoja idealią, amžiną Meilę! The meaning of tulips: The red tulip's meaning is construed from a Turkish legend, in which the Prince Farhad fell in love with the maiden Shirin. Upon learning of his beloved's death, the prince killed himself, and the legend states that a red tulip shot up from each drop of his blood. Because of this, red tulips in particular symbolize perfect love and passion, as well as a declaration of love. |
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